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来源:金阳光出国    时间: 2016-10-28    关键词:美国移民,美国税务,金阳光出国,海外投资    点击次数:1654

These are important dates in your application process. Please check them carefully and keep them in mind as you apply.在你申请大学的过程中有一些重要日期,请仔细查看并牢记在心。


Late August 2014 20148 月下旬

The eINFO site goes live. Visit the eINFO website to start your research. Einfo 网站开始启动,登陆网站查询你所需要的信息。

September 19-21, 2014 2014 919 日——21

All 21 Ontario universities are in one place at the Ontario UniversitiesFair (OUF). Just for you! Faculty, academics and

knowledgeable representatives are ready to answer your questions. 安省 21所大学开始在一个平台对外发布,专门为你安排的哦!


September November 2014 20149 月——11

Gather information about Ontarios 21 universities at the University Information Program (UIP). The UIP travels across Ontario

after the OUF, offering fair- or presentation-style events in most Ontario regions.UIP搜集安省所有 21 所大学的信息。在安省大


By the end of November 2014 201411 月底

You will receive your Application Access Code Letter from your guidance counsellor with your school number, student number and

temporary PIN. Keep this letter for your records. You will need this information to apply.你将会从你的申请顾问那儿收到含有学校代码、学生号和临时 PIN 码的大学申请代码信。保存好这封信,在你申请大学时会用到相关信息。


January 14, 2015 20151 14

Deadline to submit your completed application to the OUAC. OUAC提交完整申请的截止日期。

Note: The OUAC still processes applications received after this date and distributes them to the universities. However, specific

university deadlines will apply. 注意:OUAC仍然会处理在这个日期之后收到的申请,并且把这些申请发给相关大学。但是,有些特定的大学已经停止接受新申请。

The initial application includes all final grades from completed Grade 11 and 12 courses and a list of all current-year courses in

progress. 原始申请材料包括所有的已经完成的 11年级和 12年级的成绩以及当年的所有在读课程的清单。

January 22, 2015 20151 22

Target date for Ontario universities to receive all application data and grades from the OUAC for all applications submitted by January 14, 2015. 安省的大学在这一天会从 OUAC 收到 2015 114 日提交的所有的申请者的申请资料和成绩。

February 3, 2015 20152 3

Recommended last date for you to submit all information to the OUAC to be considered for early admission. This information

includes university and program changes and additional active choices.如果想提前录取,建议在 201523日之前提交所有的信息到 OUAC,以便大学参考。这些信息包括大学,专业变化以及其他的主动的选择。 Note: This is not a deadline. The OUAC accepts and processes changes at any time.注意:这不是截止日期。OUAC随时接受和处理


March 2, 2015 201532

Target date for Ontario universities to receive all final first-semester and current full-year grades for 4U/M courses from the OUAC.

这一天安省的大学会从 OUAC 收到所有的第一个学期以及目前全年的 4U/M成绩

May 5, 2015 20155 5

Target date for Ontario universities to receive second-semester midterm and interim grades for full-year courses from the OUAC.

Grades that the OUAC receives earlier will be sent to Ontario universities when received. 这一天安省的大学会从 OUAC 收到第二学期期中成绩和暂时的成绩。在此之前 OUAC收到的成绩一旦收到就会第一时间发到所申请的大学里去。

May 28, 2015 2015528

The latest date by which you can expect a response from an Ontario university. This includes:最晚在这一天你就能够从安省的大学得到一个反馈,这包括:

an offer of admission; 录取通知书

a refusal; or 拒录

a deferral, pending the receipt of specific information. 延后 ,需要收到一些特殊信息后才能定夺

June 1, 2015 201561

The earliest date you may be required to respond to an Ontario university offer of admission and give a financial commitment (e.g.,

registration deposit, residence deposit, etc.). 最早在这一天你将会被要求是否接受大学的录取向大学做出反馈,并且提供财务担保。


All other admissions-related elements, including scholarships, other forms of student assistance or financial incentives, and offers of residence are considered part of the offer of admission. Therefore, you may accept these other offers prior to June 1, 2015, but Ontario universities will not compel a student in any way to make a decision earlier. 所有的录取相关的东西,包括奖学金,其他形式的助学金、财务资助以及提供的住宿都将在录取通知书里体现出来。因此,在 2015 6 1日之前,你将会收到其他的 0ffer,但是安省的大学不会通过任何形式强迫学生在此之前作出决定。


July 16, 2015 2015 716

Target date for the OUAC to transmit all remaining final grades to the universities. 2015 716日,OUAC将在这一天向所有


Early June to August 2015 20156 月初——8

The Admission Information Service (AIS) allows you to determine which Ontario universities still have spots available in first-year

undergraduate programs. 录取信息服务中心允许你决定选择那些还有空缺的大学一年级本科课程。



These are important dates in your application process. Please check them carefully and keep them in mind as you apply.在你申请大学的过程中有一些重要日期,请仔细查看并牢记在心。


Late August 2014 20148 月下旬

The eINFO site goes live. Visit the eINFO website to start your research. Einfo 网站开始启动,登陆网站查询你所需要的信息。

September 19-21, 2014 2014 919 日——21

All 21 Ontario universities are in one place at the Ontario UniversitiesFair (OUF). Just for you! Faculty, academics and

knowledgeable representatives are ready to answer your questions. 安省 21所大学开始在一个平台对外发布,专门为你安排的哦!


September November 2014 20149 月——11

Gather information about Ontarios 21 universities at the University Information Program (UIP). The UIP travels across Ontario

after the OUF, offering fair- or presentation-style events in most Ontario regions.UIP搜集安省所有 21 所大学的信息。在安省大


By the end of November 2014 201411 月底

You will receive your Application Access Code Letter from your guidance counsellor with your school number, student number and

temporary PIN. Keep this letter for your records. You will need this information to apply.你将会从你的申请顾问那儿收到含有学校代码、学生号和临时 PIN 码的大学申请代码信。保存好这封信,在你申请大学时会用到相关信息。


January 14, 2015 20151 14

Deadline to submit your completed application to the OUAC. OUAC提交完整申请的截止日期。

Note: The OUAC still processes applications received after this date and distributes them to the universities. However, specific

university deadlines will apply. 注意:OUAC仍然会处理在这个日期之后收到的申请,并且把这些申请发给相关大学。但是,有些特定的大学已经停止接受新申请。

The initial application includes all final grades from completed Grade 11 and 12 courses and a list of all current-year courses in

progress. 原始申请材料包括所有的已经完成的 11年级和 12年级的成绩以及当年的所有在读课程的清单。

January 22, 2015 20151 22

Target date for Ontario universities to receive all application data and grades from the OUAC for all applications submitted by January 14, 2015. 安省的大学在这一天会从 OUAC 收到 2015 114 日提交的所有的申请者的申请资料和成绩。

February 3, 2015 20152 3

Recommended last date for you to submit all information to the OUAC to be considered for early admission. This information

includes university and program changes and additional active choices.如果想提前录取,建议在 201523日之前提交所有的信息到 OUAC,以便大学参考。这些信息包括大学,专业变化以及其他的主动的选择。 Note: This is not a deadline. The OUAC accepts and processes changes at any time.注意:这不是截止日期。OUAC随时接受和处理


March 2, 2015 201532

Target date for Ontario universities to receive all final first-semester and current full-year grades for 4U/M courses from the OUAC.

这一天安省的大学会从 OUAC 收到所有的第一个学期以及目前全年的 4U/M成绩

May 5, 2015 20155 5

Target date for Ontario universities to receive second-semester midterm and interim grades for full-year courses from the OUAC.

Grades that the OUAC receives earlier will be sent to Ontario universities when received. 这一天安省的大学会从 OUAC 收到第二学期期中成绩和暂时的成绩。在此之前 OUAC收到的成绩一旦收到就会第一时间发到所申请的大学里去。

May 28, 2015 2015528

The latest date by which you can expect a response from an Ontario university. This includes:最晚在这一天你就能够从安省的大学得到一个反馈,这包括:

an offer of admission; 录取通知书

a refusal; or 拒录

a deferral, pending the receipt of specific information. 延后 ,需要收到一些特殊信息后才能定夺

June 1, 2015 201561

The earliest date you may be required to respond to an Ontario university offer of admission and give a financial commitment (e.g.,

registration deposit, residence deposit, etc.). 最早在这一天你将会被要求是否接受大学的录取向大学做出反馈,并且提供财务担保。


All other admissions-related elements, including scholarships, other forms of student assistance or financial incentives, and offers of residence are considered part of the offer of admission. Therefore, you may accept these other offers prior to June 1, 2015, but Ontario universities will not compel a student in any way to make a decision earlier. 所有的录取相关的东西,包括奖学金,其他形式的助学金、财务资助以及提供的住宿都将在录取通知书里体现出来。因此,在 2015 6 1日之前,你将会收到其他的 0ffer,但是安省的大学不会通过任何形式强迫学生在此之前作出决定。


July 16, 2015 2015 716

Target date for the OUAC to transmit all remaining final grades to the universities. 2015 716日,OUAC将在这一天向所有


Early June to August 2015 20156 月初——8

The Admission Information Service (AIS) allows you to determine which Ontario universities still have spots available in first-year

undergraduate programs. 录取信息服务中心允许你决定选择那些还有空缺的大学一年级本科课程。








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